Search/Sort Key-Value Field

Search/Sort Key-Value Field

Key-Value is a searchable and sortable field. This means, that you can use it in your searches, JQL expressions to find or sort issues based on it.

Sorting based on Key-Value Fields

You can sort your Issues based on your Key-Value field as well as other fields. The sorting will be based on the Value as a number.

Searching based on Key-Value Fields

You can use two unique Search Template with Key-Value:

  • Key-Value Number Range Searcher

    • This will search for the Value of the Key-Value field.
    • Available operators: =, !=, in, not in, <, <=, >, >=

  • Key-Value Text Searcher

    • This will search for the Key of the Key-Value field.
    • Available operators: =, !=, in, not in

By default, new key-value custom fields will use Key-Value Number Range Searcher.

The search tool using Simple Search and/or Advanced Search will be based on the configured template.

  1. Navigate to the Custom Fields page, locate the desired custom field and choose cog icon >Edit:
    • Search Templates are responsible for indexing a custom field, as well as making it searchable via Simple Search and Advanced Search. 

  2. Modify the template as desired and click Update.

(warning) Note, You need to re-index the Jira after changing the search template or modify the Key-Value options.

Updating from 1.5.x and 2.5.x

IMPORTANT: After updating from 1.5.x or 2.5.x versions of Issue Score, the previously created Key-Value fields won't have a configured search template. Jira Administrators have to configure each after updating to newer versions.

Version 1.5.x and 2.5.x and below

IMPORTANT: We removed these issue functions from 1.6.x and 2.6.x versions of Issue Score. Users have to update their filters where these were used.

You can search your Issues based on your Key-Value fields with our provided JQL functions:

  • Searching based on Value:
    • ValueOfKeyValuePair("[Custom Field's name]","[Value]")
    • Eg.: project = TP AND issue in ValueOfKeyValuePair("Probability","5")
  • Searching based on Value between:
    • ValueBetweenKeyValuePair("[Custom Field's name]","[Value]","[Value]")
    • Eg.: project = TP AND issue in ValueBetweenKeyValuePair("Probability","3","4")
  • Searching based on Key:
    • KeyOfKeyValuePair("[Custom Field's name]","[Key]")
    • Eg.: project = TP AND issue in KeyOfKeyValuePair("Probability","Catastrophic")