Feature Score Documentation Latest (Archived) Home

Important Notice

Today we are announcing the retirement of Feature Score for Jira add-on. The add-on will be archived after June 2019. (EOL Date: 30 June 2019)

This difficult decision has been made because, despite the many user feedback and requests, it would be too difficult to maintain or further develop the product due to technological problems.

On this page:

About Feature Score for JIRA

Calculate what to build next. Plan, rate and prioritize features and deliver more value to your customers with each release.

Feature Score for JIRA will help you to build a product pipeline with prioritized features based on your key business metrics. This add-on provides an easy to configure custom field, what you can assign to any Product, Project or Issue to help Product/Project Managers make better decisions.

This documentation is for Feature Score for JIRA 1.0.2. and 2.0.1.

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