Upgrade from 1.7.x version

Read this if you are using 1.7.x version or older from the Epic Roadmap before you install the new 2.x version.

From 2.x versions, Epic Roadmap will associate roadmaps to boards of the Project, and the displayed Epic Issues will be based on the board’s configured filter.

Roadmaps basically still live within projects, so they can be accessed and configured there. What is new is that if the given project explicitly appears in a board filter, a roadmap will be available from now on.

Basically, if a board appears in the project board selector, it will also have a roadmap.

Due to this change, we removed the JQL Filter option from the roadmaps Project Settings. These sub-filter JQL expressions will not be available after you upgrade to the new version.

Before you updating to the 2.x version:

  1. Check if there are filters configured for your roadmaps in the Project Settings

  2. Copy your filter query, and create a new Board with it if needed