Reporting (default)
Reporting (default)
Attila Bordás
Owned by Attila Bordás
Apr 11, 2019
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Timetracker provides powerful reporting options to help you analyze your team's work. Create detailed reports with multiple search criteria or one of your favorite filters and view every work log related to the users and additional information about the projects and the issues. Reporting will show all work logs as a list.
Details and Summary
You can change between two sub-pages on the reporting page:
- Details: The detailed view will show all work logs as a list. Each row will be a work log.
- Summary: The summary view will show all work logs summarized by the selected parameter.
The same criteria will apply to the query in both cases. This means, that you don't need to run the report creation again for deatiled or summarized view.
Grand Total Logged
You can see the total amount of time for the query in the right corner of the page.
This value is the sum of all logged times based on the results of the query.