Billing Use Cases

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Billing Use Cases

The company is developing software for different customers

  • The company wants to easily differentiate between works that can be billed to the customer, so they know how many hours should be invoiced/charged. These works can be meetings, research, development, bug fixing, etc.

  • The company also wants to track how many hours are logged as non-billable work. These cannot be cahrged/invoiced to a client. This can be crucial to identify problems, e.g. clients or teams where the non-billed hours are more than expected. The company can start to work on improvmenets or changes to reduce spending time on non-billable work and improve overall efficiency. These non-billable works can be pre-sales, creating proposals, invoicing, and processing payments, administrative tasks, etc.

The company is working with internal and customer projects

  • The company distinguishes between billable and non-billable working time on the basis of whether it was booked for a client project or an internal project.

  • The company wants to know at the end of the project, or at the end of the period how much to bill each customer.

  • It is the most suitable for this company to differentiate billable and non-billable work at the project level in Jira.

  • All work performed within a customer project is usually invoiced to the customer. But not all completed work will be billable in every client project, so billing should be set at the worklog level.

  • In the end the company want to see how much is the billable and the non-billable work in the customer projects.