This Confluence Space is no longer updated. If you want to read the most up-to-date documentation of Timetracker Cloud, click here:


How to authenticate

You will need a JWT token to make a request. The JWT token is valid for ~15m.

  1. Get an Atlassian API token from for your user.

  2. Make a GET request with Basic Authorization to the specified URL with the following credentials in the authorization request header:
    username = Your email adress / username
    password = The Atlassian API token

  3. Get the contextJwt property from the response.

  4. When calling the Timetracker Public API you need to pass this token in the x-everit-jwt header in the following format: "x-everit-jwt": "JWT <contextJwt>"


In the future, we plan to simplify the solution by removing the step of acquiring a JWT token.

Timetracker Cloud App Base URL

All requests need to be made to this base URL:

REST API versions and differences: API Versions

Available Endpoints

Output Format

Unless stated otherwise, the output format of the response data is JSON.