

In this sub-page you can see the summary of work logs grouped by projects, issues, users, versions or compontents. (warning) You cannot select and display additional columns on summary tables. 


In the upper-left corner of the Summary sub-page you can select the view that you want to display and on what dimension you want to summarize the times. Each row will display the total logged times based on its dimension. 

The available dimension options are the following: Project, Issue, User, Version, Component.

Project view

In this view, the data will be summarized by projects. The columns cannot be changed and are as follows:

  • Project: The name of the project.
  • Key: The key of the project.
  • Estimated: The sum of the issue estimation times in the project.
  • Remaining: The sum of the issue remaining times in the project.
  • Total Logged: The sum of the logged work times in the project.
  • Total Expected: The sum of the total logged work times and the total remaining times in the project.

Issue view

In this view, the data will be summarized by issues. The columns cannot be changed and are as follows: 

  • Issue Key: The key of the issue.
  • Issue Summary: The summary of the issue.
  • T: The type of the issue. 
  • P: The priority of the issue.
  • Status: The status of the issue.
  • Assigne: The assigne of the issue.
  • Parent Issue Key: If it's exists, the issue key of the current issue's parent issue.
  • Estimated: The estimation time of the issue.
  • Remaining: The remaining time of the issue.
  • Logged: The sum of the logged work times based on the issue.
  • Expected: The sum of the total logged work times and the total remaining times based on the issue.

On Issue view, you can find two buttons which provide additional analysis options.

  • Include Sub-task: Click on this button, if you want to add the times of all of its children to the parent issue's time.
  • Include Epic Link: Click on this button, if you want to add the times of all of its related issues to the epic issue's time.

(info) You can use both options in the same time. In this case, the sub-task issue times will roll-up to the parent issue, and the epic link related issue times will roll-up to the epic issue.

User view

In this view, the data will be summarized by users. The columns cannot be changed and are as follows: 

  • User: The name of the user.
  • Total Logged: The sum of the logged work times by the user.

Version view

In this view, the data will be summarized by versions. The columns cannot be changed and are as follows: 

  • Project: The name of the project.
  • Version: The name of the version.
  • Status: The status of the version.
  • Start date: The start date of the version.
  • Release date: The release date of the version.
  • Description: The description of the version. 
  • Estimated: The sum of the issue estimation times based on the version.
  • Remaining: The sum of the issue remaining times based on the version.
  • Logged: The sum of the logged work times based on the version.
  • Expected: The sum of the total logged work times and the total remaining times based on the version.

Component view

In this view, the data will be summarized by components. The columns cannot be changed and are as follows: 

  • Project: The name of the project.
  • Component: The name of the component.
  • Description: The description of the component. 
  • Estimated: The sum of the issue estimation times based on the version.
  • Remaining: The sum of the issue remaining times based on the version.
  • Logged: The sum of the logged work times based on the version.
  • Expected: The sum of the total logged work times and the total remaining times based on the version.

Grand Total Logged

You can see the total amount of time for that query in the bottom right corner of the page. This value is the sum of all logged times based on the results of the query.

Export to Excel or CSV

You can export the summarized data from this sub-page to Microsoft Excel or CSV file.

(warning) You can configure the time format that appears in the exported reports in Reporting User Settings.

Excel character limit

Please be aware of that the total number of characters that a cell can contain in Excel is 32,767 characters. If one of the entries exceeds the number of characters, the export function will not work properly.

Record export limit

To prevent performance issues, the maximum number of records in Export is 10,000.