Confluence activity tracker app

Confluence activity tracker app



  • In case you are using Jira delegated user or group management (crowd), Jira will handle authentication on Confluence as well. This means that when a user logs in to Confluence, it will turn to Jira to validate the user’s license and access.

  • License Optimizer for Jira tracks the active user sessions and manages application access in Jira, where it is installed.

When you are using LO for Jira with delegated user management, LO will not know about the user activity in Confluence, so it may be the case that although the user can log in to Confluence because he/she is not active in Jira, LO will remove the access and they won't be able to use Confluence either.


To resolve this issue, we created a free additional application for Confluence you can download from here. The Confluence activity tracker app will track the user activity in Confluence and provide this information for the installed License Optimizer in Jira.

This will prevent LO from removing users from the application access groups who are not active currently in Jira but are otherwise active in Confluence.

How to use


  1. Download the app from here

  2. Navigate to the “Manage Apps” in the Confluence Administrator settings

  3. Install the app


  File Modified

Java Archive activitytracker-1.0.1.jar

Jun 17, 2024 by Attila Bordás

Java Archive activitytracker-1.0.0.jar

Jun 17, 2024 by Attila Bordás


  • Navigate to the Confluence administraion page

  • Locate “LICENSE OPTIMIZER” and open the “Configuration” page

  • Select the Jira instance that is linked to the current Confluence and where the LO for Jira is installed