Start/Stop License Optimizer

Start/Stop License Optimizer


Only Confluence Administrators and Confluence System Administrators can access the License Optimizer menu.

To open the License Optimizer menu: 

  1. Choose  Confluence Settings→ General Configuration

  2. Locate License Manager section and select the License Optimizer menu.

Start/Stop License Optimizer

You have to have at least one user/group added to the global permissions that is not manipulated by License Optimizer to be able to start License Optimizer!

After setting up the correct login and access groups, you can start the application by pressing the toggle button next to the “License Optimizer” name.



Before starting, the application will notify you once again to make sure that the set groups are correct


If the application is already running, you can stop it with the same button.

By pressing the button a popup will appear to make sure that you really want to stop License Optimizer.

Updating License Optimizer or restarting your Confluence instance will stop the application and you have to start it manually again if you didn’t check the auto start setting.


Removing Application Access From The Old Group(s)

When License Optimizer is running without any issue, the only thing left to do now is to remove application access from the groups that are not configured as “access group(s)”.