


For the first two settings, you must be logged in as a user with the Jira Administrators global permission.

Start/End date custom fields

Roadmap will use two date fields assigned to your Epics and Issues as Start and End date for the Epic bars. As End date you can use the default Due date field as well.

(warning) The desired date fields should be present in the View and Edit screen of the Epics and Issues.

Create Date picker custom field for the Start/End date

  1. Choose  > Issues
  2. Select Fields > Custom Fields.
  3. Select Add Custom Field. Select All to make sure you can see all available field types. 
  4. Select Date Picker field and click Next.
  5. Add a name and a description (optional) for the date field.

  6. Select Create
  7. Associate the field with the desired Issue screens.
  8. Click Update to finish.

Global settings


To see the menu item you must have 'Jira Administrator' permission.

These settings can be (and will be by default) used in every Roadmap configuration globally in Jira.
  1. Choose Jira Settings > Manage Apps Locate EPIC ROADMAP section and select the Global Settings
  2. The options are the same as in the individual "Board Settings".

Board settings


You must be a Jira administrator or a board administrator for the board to modify its configuration.


These settings will be used in the Board where you enable and configure it. You can also use the global settings in the board configurations.

Navigate to the Jira Project where you want to enable the roadmap:

  1. Open the desired Board
  2. Open boardd settings by opening the "Board" menu on the top right corner and selecting "Configure"
  3. Locate and select Roadmap
  4. Select Use Global settings to use the global configuration of the app in this board. Note: The options below will noto be visible if the globals settings are used.
  5. If "Set Estimate by setting the duration" is checked, the Original Estimate will be set on the Issue with the duration value when it changes on the roadmap.
  6. Select the format of the daterange picker. You can select one of the following date format: "dd/MM/yyyy", "MM/dd/yyyy", "yyyy/MM/dd" 
  7. Select the Jira custom field you want to use as the Start date for the Epic and Issue bar
  8. Select the Jira custom field you want to use as the End date for the Epic and Issue bar
    1. You can select the Use Due Date field option to use the default Jira Due Date field for the bar's end date.

(warning) Make sure these fields are added to the Edit Issue screen and are visible in the field configuration.

Roadmap Managers

You can specify the users or groups who can modify, schedule or sort Epics and Issues in the timeline. Everyone else will see the roadmap in read-only mode. If empty, anyone can modify the roadmap.

In read-only-mode, users are not able to

  • sort Epics in default order
  • resize or move the Epic or Issue bars
  • Edit the issue fields in the Issue details view
  • Add, edit or remove comments on the Issue
  • Add, edit or remove markers

If the administrator restricts the editing of roadmaps in the global setting, then the read-only mode will be applied to the roadmaps in without project board views and in roadmaps where the global settings is used in the board settings.

Baseline Managers

Here you can specify the users who can create, delete or restore a baseline in the timeline. Everyone else can select and display a baseline.

If empty, anyone can manage baselines.

If the administrator restricts the baseline management in the global setting, then it will be applied to the roadmaps in without project board views and in roadmaps where the global settings is used in the board settings.

Details View

You can select fields that should be displayed in the Epic or Issue details view on the roadmap. By default, all fields are visible. To hide them from the details view, simply uncheck it.