As it is described on the Data storage and synchronization page, the Timetracker Cloud version using the Jira worklog objects and database. We only synchronize the work logs from your Jira Cloud Instance to our servers, in order to be able to provide high performance and fast response times in the Timetracker Application.

This means, that you don’t need to do anything if you are migrating your Jira Server data to the Cloud, including the worklogs with a System Backup. They will be there and ready to use after the automatic synchronization process.

You can now also use the Atlassian migration resources and the new Jira Cloud Migration Assistant app by Atlassian for a seamless system migration.

If you run into any issues during your migration or have any questions regarding to it, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.

What you should do before migrating to the Cloud?

Enable feature flags for app migration in the server instance of Jira.

Remove worklog visibility restrictions.

What you should do after migrating to the Cloud?

User and Administrator preferences/settings does not migrating yet. The Jira administrator should re-configure the Timetrackler Cloud app on the Global Settings according to the server version.

Users should also re-configure their preferences in the User Settings. The new user wizard will help them with it.

In some cases, the worklogs migrated with Jira Cloud Migration Assistant will be not visible in the Timetracker until the issues have been updated.

Can I Migrate my Timetracker for Jira Server License to Jira Cloud?

Unfortunately, Atlassian’s policy is that existing self-hosted product or app licenses can't be transferred or credited to cloud. Timetracker for Jira Server licenses are one-time purchases with optional maintenance, whereas Cloud purchases are recurring subscriptions. As such, existing Server app licenses cannot be transferred or credited to Cloud. These are independent licenses that need to be paid for separately.

If you purchased your Jira Server license directly via the Atlassian Marketplace, you may contact Atlassian Support to see if you are eligible for a refund.