Create worklog
To create a worklog send a POST request to this URL: <TIME_TRACKER_BASE_URL>/timetracker/api/<REST_API_VERSION>/public/worklog
Header parameters:
Header Parameter | Optional | Description |
x-everit-jwt | false | jwt token |
x-requested-by | false | CSRF protection paramter. |
x-timezone | true | The time zone of the user, for eg.: 'Europe/Budapest'. If not specified defaults to UTC. |
The POST body is a JSON object: NewWorklog
The available parameters of the NewWorklog:
Parameter | Value | Optional | Description |
description | string | true | The description of a worklog. Example: “description”: “my description“ |
durationInSeconds | number | true | The duration of a worklog in seconds. |
isBillable | boolean | true | True if the worklog is billable. Example: “isBillable”: true |
issueId | number | true | The worklog was made on this issue. Example: “issueId”: 10000 |
workDate | string | false | The day (ISO-8601 date in 'yyyy-MM-dd' format) when the work was made. Example: “workDate”: “2023-04-24“ |
worklogTagIds | number list | true | The IDs of the worklog tags assigned to this worklog. Example: “worklogTagIds”: [1, 5] |
workStartTime | string | true | The time (ISO-8601 time in 'HH:mm' format) when the work was started. Example: “workStartTime”: "11:00" |
POST URL: TIME_TRACKER_BASE_URL/timetracker/api/22/public/worklog
Example post body:
{ "description": "my description", "durationInSeconds": 3600, "isBillable": true, "worklogTagIds": [ 1, 5], "issueId": 10182, "workDate": "2023-04-24", "workStartTime": "12:00" }
Example response:
200 Successful operation:
{ "description": "my description", "durationInSeconds": 3600, "isBillable": true, "issueId": 10182, "workDate": "2023-04-24", "worklogId": 155, "worklogTagIds": [ 1, 5 ], "workStartTime": "12:00" }
400 Invalid parameters:
{ "additionalErrors": [ { "errorType": "JiraError", "extra": {} } ], "fieldErrors": [ { "errorType": "Exceed", "paths": [ [ "string" ] ] } ] }
401 Unauthorized
479 The user does not have one of the necessary Timetracker permissions that can be set in the Global Settings.
Get worklog
To get a worklog send a GET request to this URL: <TIME_TRACKER_BASE_URL>/timetracker/api/<REST_API_VERSION>/public/worklog
Header parameters:
Header Parameter | Optional | Description |
x-everit-jwt | false | jwt token |
x-timezone | true | The time zone of the user, for eg.: 'Europe/Budapest'. If not specified defaults to UTC. |
The available query parameters for the request:
Query Parameter | Value | Optional | Description |
worklogId | number | false | The id of the worklog. Example: /public/worklog?worklogId=107 |
GET URL: TIME_TRACKER_BASE_URL/timetracker/api/22/public/worklog?worklogId=155
Example response:
200 Successful operation:
{ "description": "my description", "durationInSeconds": 3600, "isBillable": true, "issueId": 10182, "workDate": "2023-04-24", "worklogId": 155, "worklogTagIds": [ 1, 5 ], "workStartTime": "12:00" }
Invalid parameters:
{ "additionalErrors": [ { "errorType": "JiraError", "extra": {} } ], "fieldErrors": [ { "errorType": "Exceed", "paths": [ [ "string" ] ] } ] }
{ "error": { "message": null, "result": "WORKLOG_NOT_FOUND", "worklogId": 123 } }
401 Unauthorized
479 The user does not have one of the necessary Timetracker permissions that can be set in the Global Settings.
Delete worklog
To delete a worklog send a DELETE request to this URL: <TIME_TRACKER_BASE_URL>/timetracker/api/<REST_API_VERSION>/public/worklog
Header parameters:
Header Parameter | Optional | Description |
x-everit-jwt | false | jwt token |
x-requested-by | false | CSRF protection paramter. |
x-timezone | true | The time zone of the user, for eg.: 'Europe/Budapest'. If not specified defaults to UTC. |
The available query parameters for the request:
Query Parameter | Value | Optional | Description |
worklogId | number | false | The id of the worklog. Example: /public/worklog?worklogId=107 |
DELETE URL: TIME_TRACKER_BASE_URL/timetracker/api/22/public/worklog?worklogId=123
Example response:
200 The delete operation is accepted and processed. The result of the worklog delete can be found in the response body:
If there was no error during the deletion the error object will be null:
{ "error": null }
If there was an error during the deletion the error object will be filled:
{ "error": { "message": null, "result": "WORKLOG_NOT_FOUND", "worklogId": 123 } }
400 Invalid parameters:
{ "additionalErrors": [ { "errorType": "JiraError", "extra": {} } ], "fieldErrors": [ { "errorType": "Exceed", "paths": [ [ "string" ] ] } ] }
401 Unauthorized
479 The user does not have one of the necessary Timetracker permissions that can be set in the Global Settings.
Patch worklog
To patch a worklog send a PATCH request to this URL: <TIME_TRACKER_BASE_URL>/timetracker/api/<REST_API_VERSION>/public/worklog
Header parameters:
Header Parameter | Optional | Description |
x-everit-jwt | false | jwt token |
x-requested-by | false | CSRF protection paramter. |
x-timezone | true | The time zone of the user, for eg.: 'Europe/Budapest'. If not specified defaults to UTC. |
The PATCH body is a JSON object: PatchWorklog
The available parameters of the PatchWorklog:
Parameter | Value | Optional | Description |
worklogId | number | false | The ID of the worklog to patch. |
partialWorklog |
| false | The patch to apply on the worklog. Only the fields with values will be updated. |
The available parameters of the PartialWorklog:
Parameter | Value | Optional | Description |
description | string | true | The description of a worklog. |
durationInSeconds | number | true | The duration of a worklog in seconds. |
isBillable | boolean | true | True if the worklog is billable. |
issueId | number | true | The worklog was made on this issue. |
workDate | string | true | The day (ISO-8601 date in 'yyyy-MM-dd' format) when the work was made. |
worklogTagIds | number list | true | The IDs of the worklog tags assigned to this worklog. |
workStartTime | string | true | The time (ISO-8601 time in 'HH:mm' format) when the work was started. |
PATCH URL: TIME_TRACKER_BASE_URL/timetracker/api/22/public/worklog
Example patch body:
{ "partialWorklog": { "description": "test description", "durationInSeconds": 3600, "isBillable": true, "issueId": 10329, "workDate": "2023-04-19", "worklogTagIds": [1, 5], "workStartTime": "08:15" }, "worklogId": 181 }
Example response:
200 The patch operation is accepted and processed. The result of the worklog patch can be found in the response body:
If there was no error during the patch the error object will be null and the patched worklog is returned:
{ "error": null, "worklog": { "description": "test description", "durationInSeconds": 10800, "isBillable": true, "issueId": 10329, "workDate": "2023-04-19", "worklogId": 181, "worklogTagIds": [ 1, 5 ], "workStartTime": "08:15" } }
If there was an error during the patch the error object will be filled:
{ "error": { "message": null, "result": "WORKLOG_NOT_FOUND", "worklogId": 181 }, "worklog": null }
400 Invalid parameters:
{ "additionalErrors": [ { "errorType": "JiraError", "extra": {} } ], "fieldErrors": [ { "errorType": "Exceed", "paths": [ [ "string" ] ] } ] }
401 Unauthorized
479 The user does not have one of the necessary Timetracker permissions that can be set in the Global Settings.