User Guide

User Guide


Only JIRA Administrators and JIRA System Administrators can access the License Monitoring menu.

To access the Thread Profiler settings: 

  1. Choose  Jira Settings→ System

  2. Locate Thread Profiler section and select the Settings menu.


You can configure:

  • Thread expiration time (ms): The time in milliseconds after a thread will become a slow thread. As soon as the response time of any thread bypasses this limit several thread dump will be created for later analysis. The default value is 10000 (10 seconds).

  • Max log count (1-10): The number of the maximum StackTrace logging of a slow thread. The default value is 6.

  • Check frequency (ms): The frequency in milliseconds of StackTrace logging of a slow thread. The default value is 500.

For the configuration to take effect you must disable and enable the app!

The default configuration means that a thread will be considered as slow when the Jira server does not send the HTTP response for the user's request in 10 seconds. After that, the Thread Profiler will log a stack trace and some additional information of the thread. If the thread is still not finished a new stack trace will be logged of the thread in the given frequency (500 ms) and count (6).





The slow thread log messages will be logged in to the atlassian-jira.log file by default. For better reading and easier analyzing it is recommended to log these stack traces into a separate log file. You can extend the default Log4J configuration with this configuration for example:

##################################################### # Everit profiler logging configuration ##################################################### log4j.appender.everitProfilerLog=com.atlassian.jira.logging.JiraHomeAppender log4j.appender.everitProfilerLog.File=everit-profiler.log log4j.appender.everitProfilerLog.MaxFileSize=20480KB log4j.appender.everitProfilerLog.MaxBackupIndex=10 log4j.appender.everitProfilerLog.layout=com.atlassian.logging.log4j.NewLineIndentingFilteringPatternLayout log4j.appender.everitProfilerLog.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %t %p %X{jira.username} %X{jira.request.id} %X{jira.request.assession.id} %X{jira.request.ipaddr} %X{jira.request.url} [%q{2}] %m%n log4j.appender.everitProfilerLog.layout.StackTracePackagingExamined=false log4j.appender.everitProfilerLog.layout.MinimumLines=6 log4j.appender.everitProfilerLog.layout.ShowEludedSummary=false log4j.appender.everitProfilerLog.layout.FilteringApplied=true log4j.appender.everitProfilerLog.layout.FilteredFrames=@jira-filtered-frames.properties log4j.logger.biz.everit.jira.profiler = INFO, everitProfilerLog log4j.additivity.biz.everit.jira.profiler = false #####################################################



It is recommended to turn on the profiling option in Jira system as well for better understanding what happened in your Jira.

For more information check Logging and profiling.


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