To see the menu you must have 'Permission to use the Plugin' permission configured.
After a successful installation of Timetracker you can see it's menu in the JIRA top navigation bar.
The menu has the following items:
- Timetracker - This item navigates you to the time tracking page.
This item is only available with 'Permission to use Timetracker' permission configured.
- Calendar- This item navigates you to the worklog calendar page.
This item is only available with 'Permission to use Timetracker' permission configured.
- Reporting - This item navigates you to the reporting page.
This item is only available with 'Permission to use Reporting' permission configured.
- Administration - This item is a shortcut to the Timetracker Admin settings.
The administration item is only available for JIRA Administrators and JIRA System Administrators.
- Help - This item navigates you to the Timetracker user guide page.
- About Us - Here you can see the rest of our products and services. Check it out here!
, multiple selections available,