Global settings
On these pages, you can configure the behavior of the Timetracker.
Only JIRA Administrators, JIRA System Administrators can configure Timetracker.
To open the Timetracker Global Settings:
- Choose > Add-ons.
- Locate TIMETRACKER section and select the Global Settings field.
Mandatory Work Log Description
Administrators can choose whether worklog description is mandatory or not for Timetracker users. By default, a description is optional.
Results on Reporting pageload
You can enable or disable displaying the results of the previous (or the default) query on Reporting pageload.
By default, every reporting page load queried the results based on the previously selected criteria for the current user. This option lets the administrators turn this behavior off and prevent queries on pageload. We recommend our customers with large instances to turn this off when they experiencing problems on pageload.
Display Timetracker section
You can enable or disable displaying the Timetracker section on Issue view. Totals and details of other users' worklogs logged to the issue are displayed on the Issue screen for the selected month. By default, this option is enabled.
Maximum loggable hours per day per user
Here you can define the maximum loggable hours per day for Timetracker users. Empty field means there is no limit.
Eg.: 6, 8 or 6.5
Special Issues
Non-working issues
This feature is designed to manage non-working, non-billable issues, to provide credible reports. This feature can be useful if you have a dedicated project or issues for non-work activities, eg. for lunch.
The administrator can define a list that may contain issue keys and regular expressions. This list will be the list of non-working issues. The issues listed here are ignored when creating the Real Work Summary.
By default, the Non-Working issues list is empty.
- Use issue keys, eg. MYPROJECT-1, MYPROJECT-2
- To set up all the issues of MYPROJECT to be Non-working, the following regular expression needs to be used: “MYPROJECT-.*”
Working days
Timetracker's many features behavior depends on whether the given day is a working day or not. By default, all weekdays are working days while all weekends are non-working days.
Normally, all users have to fill at least as much working time (hours) for each working day as is set in the "Time Tracking" settings. In case a user did not work as many times as expected, they can use the configured non-working issues to fill the day.
- If there is no worklog for a day it will be shown in the "Missing days" tab of the plugin.
- The "Default date" of the "Calendar Appearance" is also calculated and colorized based on the working days.
Exclude date
You can add days that are weekdays but not working-days (For example: public national holidays):
- Click on the input field on the right side, or on the calendar icon.
- Write or select the desired date.
- Click on the "Add" button.
- If the date and its format is valid, it will be added to the list of dates on the left.
You can remove the dates by clicking on the X on the label.
Include date
You can add days that are weekends, but working days:
- Click on the input field on the right side, or on the calendar icon.
- Write or select the desired date.
- Click on the "Add" button.
- If the date and its format is valid, it will be added to the list of dates on the left.
You can remove the dates by clicking on the X on the label.
Loggable Periods
Save or Reset configuration
- Save: The settings can be saved by pressing the Save button.
- Reset: The Reset button can restore the foregoing settings.
- Cancel: By selecting the Cancel button, the user is redirected to the Administrator screen without making any changes.