Release notes
Release notes
Attila Bordás
Owned by Attila Bordás
Nov 12, 2016
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Timetracker version 3.2.1 and 2.6.1 (latest)
Bug fixes
- Not appearing logo fixed
- Wrong TimeZone use fixed
Timetracker version 3.2.0 and 2.6.0
- Redesign with Atlassian UI
- Daily and Summary progress indicator
- Reorganized reporting pages
- Expanded permission settings
- In-app update notifier
- Optional remaining rounding setting
Bug fixes
- Reporting date parse fix
- Reporting group picker fix
- Fixed report queries missing field error
More about this version
- Now Timetracker adopts the Atlassian design guidelines and it is built with the Atlassian UI framework (AUI), so we can provide a consistent appearance for the users. We re-drawn all pages of the Timetracker.
- We reorganized all of the reporting pages under the Reporting menu. Now you can access the Reporting, Table report, Chart report and Missing days report from the submenu on these pages, and reporting permissions apply to all of them.
- We added two indicator to the Timetracker to provide you instant visual feedback about your progress.
- We expanded the permission settings. Now your Administrator can add groups if you want to restrict the add-on visibility.
Timetracker version 3.1.1 and 2.5.1
- Reporting Export limit/offset fixed.
Timetracker version 3.1.0 and 2.5.0
- Added new permission settings option.
- Introducing Reporting user settings.
- Remember columns selected by the user in Reporting.
- Added information and warning messages.
Timetracker version 3.0.1 and 2.4.1
- Shadowed users error fixed. (#221)
- 'avatarId' based icons load error fixed.
Timetracker version 3.0.0
- New reporting feature.
- Added jira-querydsl-support.
- Compatible with JIRA 7.x and above.
Timetracker version 2.4.0
- New reporting feature.
- Added jira-querydsl-support.
- Compatible with JIRA 6.3.0 to 6.4.13.
Timetracker version 2.3.5
- Chart and Table report user picker error fixed.
- Admin settings shows wrong error message fixed.
- Missings worklog "work hours per day" error fixed.
Timetracker version 2.3.4
- Look and Feel dateparser bugfix.
- Exclude/Include date settings bugfix.
- User picker refactor.
Timetracker version 2.3.3
- Use Jira Look and feel Complete Date/Time Format and Day/Month/Year Format.
- Use the fractions correctly if they were specified in the JIRA Time Tracking Configuration. (#133)
- Fixed EveritWorklog NullPointerException.
Timetracker version 2.3.1
- Use the fractions if they were specified in the JIRA Time Tracking Configuration. (#133)
- Feedback frequency session check.
Timetracker version 2.3.0
- Respect JIRA Time Tracking Configuration. (#133)
- Fix text area under JIRA 6.4.x.
- Show error message instead of error page if issue is in Done state, and work logging is prohibited.
- Do not show error page if installed on JIRA without a project.
- New navigation menu. Add Help and Administration item.
- Wrap long content.
- Preservation of data on the pages.
- Highlight worklog data when copying.
- If Issue is in Done state, the Issue code get strikethrough and the remaining time becomes grey.
- Add Remaining column to the Table Report.
- More informative error page.
Timetracker version 2.2.0
- Fixed duration validation error.
- Fixed labels missing for unsupported languages. (#79)
- Fixed worklog text area style.
- Fixed parameter misspelling.
- Fixed change date and submit action, without logged work.
- Fixed sticky command parameters.
- Added error message for invalid time while editing worklog.
- Support for JIRA 7.
- Change Edit, Delete and Copy buttons to icons.
- Added remaining estimate column.
- Added analytics tool.
- Added feedback feature.
Timetracker version 1.4.3
- Fixed labels missing for unsupported languages. (#79)
- Fixed change date and submit action, without logged work.
- Added analytics tool.
Timetracker version 2.1.2
- Fixed bug when Enter key is pressed at the issueselect area and therefore the save button turned to disabled state.
- Enter key now jumps to the next input field.
- Ctrl+Enter on input fields now submits the actual form.
Timetracker version 2.1.1 and 1.4.1
- The code now satisfies the new Everit Conventions. This means code quality improvements.
- License changed from LGPL 3.0 to Apache 2.0
- From now on the plugin version 2.1.1 requires Java 1.7
Timetracker version 2.1.0 and 1.4.0
Timetracker version 2.0.0
- In this version we changed the way of querying the worklogs from native sql to API calls. To do this with a satisfying speed we need a new view in the entity model called "IssueWorklogView" which is introduced in JIRA 6.2.5.
- Therefore this version is only available with JIRA versions above 6.2.5.
- From now on we will only develop the 2.x.x version of the plugin and no new features will be introduced in the 1.x branch
Timetracker version 1.3.0
- The inline calendar will no longer stay at the top of every screen.
- When you edited a worklog and made an invalid save action, the plugin changed to "Add worklog" mode, now it stays in "Edit".
- The default JIRA snytax (2h 30m) is now supported in the duration field. (#32).
- Added global setting to set the first day of the week in the calendar. (#22).
- The fields now remember their values when changing date or when form submission fails. (#13).
- So far the issue picker only offered cached issues but now it searches between all of the issues.
- The worklog currently being edited is now highlighted in the worklog table.
- The plugin now remembers which one of the EndTime/Duration fields was filled in before an invalid submit.
- Removed radio buttons from End Time and Duration fields, now you can select between them by clicking into the appropriate field.
New features
- Copy button to the worklog table to quickly select recently used issues with a single the click of a button (#17).
- Copy function to the worklog table by clicking the appropriate cell.
- Chart report page to return a pie chart showing the logged work hours by projects in the given time interval.
Timetracker version 1.2.1
- Fixed unresolved constraint issue (#25).
- Fixed an issue where 31th days of months with work logs were not highlighted in the calendar.
Timetracker version 1.2.0
- The tabindex value of the duration time input field has been fixed.
- The information typed in the input fields will no longer get lost when refreshing the browser.
- In the worklog notes, the \r\n characters are handled appropriately.
- JIRA 6.x compatibility fixed.
- Worklog table issue column shows the issue description when hovering the mouse pointer over the Issue Key.
- Calendar highlights function. (Other months, weekend and days with worklogs.)
- In the specified interval, Missing Days Report checks day by day the number of working hours logged on working days. (Configurable.)
New features
- Rounding function on “End Time” and “Start Time Now” buttons.
Timetracker version 1.1.0
- More aesthetic Summary layout.
- Real Worklog Summary added to Summary.
- Calendar appearance. (popup, inline, both)
- Default Calendar date. (Actual day or the oldest blank day of the past week.)
- Development of the worklog table. (In case the estimated time is over, a notification icon appears next to the issues.)
- Ergonomic layout of the input fields.
- Use of tabulators between input fields made easier.
- When editing a worklog, it is possible to modify the date.
New features
- Edit All function added to Timetracker.
- The Missing Days report returns the days to which there are no worklogs assigned between two given dates.
- By the User Settings, the appearance of the plugin can be customized. (e.g.: Calendar appearance, Calendar default date selection)
- By the Global Settings, administrators can configure the plugin. (e.g.: Non-working issue, Non-estimated issue, Exclude date, Include date)
- Daily notification email sending. (Based on the worklogs created on a specific day and on the remaining estimated time)
Timetracker version 1.0.0
- Timetracker released.
, multiple selections available,