Application: The configured application.
Access group: The configured access group for the application.
LO Group max size: Maximum seats that can be used in the access group.
LO Group actual users: Used seats in the access group currently.
LO Cache size: The number of users stored in the application cache. (These users are currently managed by LO. This should be the same as the “LO Group actual users” if everything operates correctly.)
LO Cache inactive:
The number of inactive users stored in the application cache. (These users are not active anymore and will be removed if necessary based on the configured treshold.)
Latest analytics logs
In this section, the LO analytics will display each major event or error regarding the LO user managment.
You can expand each row to get the actual state when that event happened.
This can be also exported to a JSON file which can be further analyzed or provided to us, vendors in a supportticket in case of a problem.