Create worklog
Access: JIRA_URL/rest/jttp-rest/4/public/worklog
POST method
{ "comment": "test", "date": "21/May/24", "durationTime": "1h", "issueKeys": ["SAM-1"], "onBehalfOfUser": "JIRAUSER10100", "startTimeValue": "09:00 AM", "worklogCategories": ["Dev","HR"] }
When successfull, it will return the list of worklog IDs.
Update worklog
Access: JIRA_URL/rest/jttp-rest/4/public/worklog/{worklogId}
PUT method
{ "comment": "test", "date": "21/May/24", "durationTime": "1h", "issueKeys": ["SAM-1"], "onBehalfOfUser": "", "startTimeValue": "09:00 AM", "worklogCategories": ["Dev","HR"] }
When successfull, it will return the same worklog object as it is for the “Get worklog” request.
Get worklog
Access: JIRA_URL/rest/jttp-rest/4/public/worklog/{worklogId}
GET method
When successfull, it will return a worklog object:
{ "dateISOFormat": "2024-05-14T10:00:00Z", "issueKey": "SAM-1", "timeSpentInSec": 7200, "worklogAuthorKey": "JIRAUSER10000", "worklogCategories": [ "Dev", "Test" ], "worklogDescription": "Updated Worklog", "worklogId": 10200 }
Delete worklog
Access: JIRA_URL/rest/jttp-rest/4/public/worklog/{worklogId}
DELETE method
When successfull, it will return status 200.