In app menu

In app menu

After opening the Timetracker app, you can see it's in-app menu in the header section.

The menu has the following items:

  • Timetracker - This item navigates you to the time tracking page. (warning) This item is only available with 'Permission to use Timetracker' permission configured.
  • Calendar- This item navigates you to the worklog calendar page. (warning) This item is only available with 'Permission to use Timetracker' permission configured.
  • Reports - This item dropdown menu of the reporting pages. (warning) This item is only available with 'Permission to use Reporting' permission configured.
    • ListReporting will show all work logs as a list.
    • TableTable Report provides a solution that will let you view the worklogs in a structured and summarized form
    • TimesheetTimesheet Report provides a timesheet table and a view of the worklogs in a structured form, summarized by Project, Issue and User. You can drill down on each level simply clicking on the rows on the left side of the table.
    • ChartChart Report display logged work for a period and the selected users by projects, issues or users. Viewable in pie chart and bar chart format.
    • Missing Days - By the help of the Missing Days Report, you can check that the selected user(s) or group(s) have enough work logged between the given dates. You can send warning emails to selected users. 
  • Cost RatesThis item navigates you to the cost rate management page. (warning) This item is only available with 'Wage Managers' permission configured.

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