

Worklog Calendar enables users to view, create and manage worklogs easily on a calendar canvas.

Menu & In-app Menu

The app’s menu expanded with a „Calendar” item under the „Timetracker” item. This navigates directly to the Calendar interface. On this page, users will see a familiar calendar. This view enables users to create worklogs quickly and modify them easily by dragging onto a day or time cell on the calendar canvas.

You can also access the Calendar page by clicking on the "Calendar" item on the in-app menu.


The navigation is on the top of the page, above the canvas. The visible elements from left to right are the following:

  • Datepicker: Users can select the desired date. Selecting it will load the corresponding view and worklogs of the day/week/month (depending on the selected view).
  • Steppers and Today: Users can navigate between the periods. Based on the selected view, the navigation buttons will load the previous or the next day/week/month and the corresponding worklogs. Pushing the „Today” button will load the current day or the current day’s period (week or month, depending on the selected view).
  • Current period: The selected date or date range (depending on the selected view) as a text. The format depending on the configured date and time format in Jira (Look and Feel settings).
  • Current period progress bar and work summary: A visual indicator of the expected vs. logged work on that period, as it can be seen currently on the Timetracker page with „Summary progress bar”. The expected hours are calculated based on the configured working days and hours in Jira Time Tracking Settings. 
  • View selector: Users can choose from the day, week and month view. This determines how many days they can see on the calendar canvas. The default view is the week of current date.
  • Log Work: Clicking on the Log Work button will open the dialog where you can see the same input fields and configured options as on the Timetracker screen.

Calendar canvas

  • Vertical timeline on the left side
  • Days as columns, displaying the following on the header
    • The beginning of the day's name
    • Date of the day
    • The expected and logged work hours (format: 4h of 8h)
  • On the canvas the thick horizontal lines delimit each hour, the thin lines delimit the quarters.
  • The „columns” that represent days are greyed out if that day is added as an „Exclude date” in the Timetracker’s Global Settings or if they are weekends. Independent of greying, work logging is still possible for the day.
  • The „columns” that represent weekends are not greyed out if that day is added as an „Include date” in the Timetracker’s Global Settings.

Worklog cards

If worklogs have been created in the selected period by the current user they are displayed as „Cards” on the canvas.

Each card represents a worklog. The position and the length of the card are defined by the worklog’s start date and duration. The following data can be seen on each card:

  • Issue type icon 
  • Issue key 
  • Issue Summary
  • Worklog Description (truncated)
  • Worklog Attributes
  • Time spent (aka Duration)

 If worklogs overlap, they appear stacked on top of each other.

Actions with the cards

View Details

Clicking on a card will open an inline dialog where users can see the worklog details and action icons. The following can be seen on each card:

  • Issue type icon
  • Issue key
  • Issue Summary
  • Start date
  • Time spent
  • Worklog Description
  • Worklog Attributes
  • Action icons: Edit, Delete


  • Users can edit the duration of the worklog by dragging the top or the bottom of the card on the canvas. In this case, the new dialog appears where the fields are loaded with the previously recorded worklog data (except the time spent field) and with the new duration value. The user can confirm or cancel the action on the dialog.
  • Users can edit the worklog in detail by clicking on the Edit icon on the detail view. In this case, the new dialog appears where the fields are loaded with the previously recorded worklog data and the user can modify them. The user can confirm or cancel the action on the dialog.


You can duplicate a worklog by clicking on the Duplicate icon on the card details view. This will create an identical worklog for the same Issue, day and time.


User can move own worklogs within the dates that are displayed in the Canvas. The cards can be moved between the dates by simple drag&drop. In this case, the new dialog appears where the fields are loaded with the previously recorded worklog data (except the date and time field) and with the date and time value. The user can confirm or cancel the action on the dialog.


Users can delete their own worklog in detail by clicking on the Delete icon on the detail view. In this case, a confirmation dialog window should be displayed where the user can confirm or cancel the action.

Log Work

The Log Work form is displayed when:

  • The user clicks an empty spot on the calendar canvas. Worklogs can be created in 15m intervals by clicking on the canvas grid. In this case on the dialog form, the fields are loaded with based on the clicked date and spot. The default duration will be 1h. The user can confirm or cancel the action on the dialog.
  • The user clicks on the Log Work button on the top right corner. In this case, the new dialog appears where the fields empty (or default). The user can confirm or cancel the action on the dialog.