Date and Time format

Date and Time format

Date format

  • Timetracker app uses the JIRA Look and Feel settings (Complete Date/Time Format and Day/Month/Year Format) to display dates.
  • Timetracker app uses the JIRA Advanced settings (jira.date.picker.java.format/jira.date.picker.javascript.format) for input date picker format.

This applies to all pages:

  • Timetracker
  • Reporting
  • Table Report
  • Chart Report
  • Missing Days

(warning) For the proper operation of the Timetracker we highly recommend to use the same format in Look and Feel and Advanced settings.

Time format

  • Timetracker plugin use the JIRA Look and Feel settings (Time Format/Complete Date/Time Format) to display times.
  • Time spent, Duration and Remaining will be displayed as it has been set in the Time Tracking settings.
  • Timetracker plugin use the Jira Advanced settings (jira.date.picker.java.format/jira.date.picker.javascript.format) for input date picker format.

(warning) For the proper operation of the Timetracker we highly recommend to use the same format in Look and Feel and Advanced settings.


If you want to use 24-hour format, we suggest the following Advanced and Look and Feel configuration:


  • jira.date.picker.java.format: dd.MMM.yy
  • jira.date.picker.javascript.format: %e.%b.%y
  • jira.date.time.picker.java.format: dd.MMM.yy HH:mm
  • jira.date.time.picker.javascript.format: %e.%b.%y %H:%M

Look and Feel:

  • Time Format: HH:mm
  • Day Format: EEEE HH:mm
  • Complete Date/Time Format: dd.MMM.yy HH:mm
  • Day/Month/Year Format: dd.MMM.yy

Pretty format

If the pretty format is configured in JIRA Time Tracking settings, Timetracker app shortens the time units on all pages (for design reasons), so instead of "20 minutes" you will see "20m".

Seconds in Time/DateTime format

Please note, that JIRA doesn't accept seconds in work duration, only weeks/days/hours/minutes.

Therefore, Timetracker can not process the seconds specified in Start Time and End Time, because the difference is not necessarily a whole minute and we didn't want to add any rule for how to round or cut off the seconds in End Time to remain accurate values.

As a workaround, we can suggest you use the Start Time and Duration field (instead of the End Time) in Timetracker with the default JIRA duration format (e.g. 1h 3m), or remove seconds from your time format in JIRA settings.

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