Limitations / Known Issues

Email notifications from Jira 8.19

Due to security reasons, from version 8.19.0, Jira applications must be appropriately licensed and users need to have relevant application access to receive Jira notifications (both batched and non-batched). This means, that when LO removes users from the access group, these users won’t receive email notifications if they are related to an Issue (assignee, reporter, etc.) even if this should be the case based on the notification scheme.


Since Jira 8.20.6 it will be possible to revert new behaviour introduced by JRASERVER-72737 with Dark Feature Flag:


At the same time all future 8.13.x version starting 8.13.19 will have option to enable new behaviour with feature flag:


Multiple Product Access

In the Licence Optimizer (LO) configuration page, you can set the application to which you want to apply the dynamic licence management by configuring a login and access group for it. However, LO cannot distinguish which application a given user uses and which one they want to access. Therefore, if a user has access to multiple applications, LO will add to, or remove the user from each application access group when the user logs in.

With an example:

  • There is a user who needs access to Jira Software (SW) and Jira Service Management (SM).

  • The user is a member of the Jira SW and SM login group.

  • Access groups are configured in the LO for the two different applications.

  • In this case, if the user logs in to Jira SW, LO will also log the user into Jira SM, so it will be added to both access groups.

  • If a user's activity expires in Jira, LO will remove the user from both groups.

Jira Service Management limitations

Jira Service Management licence management is separated from Jira Core and Software since a user can have access to SM as an Agent without having SW or Core access (while if a user has SW access, the user will have Core access as well). Jira Service Management itself restrict some functionality for unlicensed, not Agent users, and there is no known workaround for this currently.

The main difference between Jira Core/SW and SM is how unlicensed users are handled in the user-related functions on Issues. While Jira Core/SW allows users to assign or mention unlicensed users (if they are in the local or remote user directory), Service Management does not. So users on the SM ticket cannot be mentioned or selected when LO removes them from the access group since Jira will not consider them as Agents in this case.

Mentioning Users with “Jira Administrators” or “Jira System Administrators” permission

User Picker and mention functions with License Optimizer

Mobile view

License Optimizer will continue to work when the users log in to the app via smartphone. However, in this case, the users won’t get a warning message about their revoked access.

Jira Macros and linked Confluence pages

If the logged-in user does not have a valid license currently (since LO removed the user from the group) in either Jira or Confluence, macros or links will not be displayed.

Remember Me/My Login

As it is stated in the Atlassian documentation documentation, “JIRA saves the cookies when you check the "Remember my login" box during login. This means that you do not even need to see the login screen again when you close and reopen the Internet Browser, you will automatically be logged in due to the saved cookie. However, the cookie is revoked when you click the Log Out button/link & you will be forced to log in again.

Since our LO app will log out users, the remember my option won’t work since the cookie will be revoked and user have to log in again with their credentials.

Login requires CAPTCHA

Due to some scenarios and the mentioned revoked cookies, sometimes users encounter the CAPTCHA screen when LO tries to log them in. To prevent this, you can:

  1. disable the CAPTCHA option entirely

  2. incraise the “Maximum Authentication Attempts Allowed” number.

Keep in mind that the number of requests for Jira to show a CAPTCHA is set in System > General configuration and blank means the CAPTCHA is disabled.
