Worklog Calendar enables users to view, create and manage worklogs easily on a calendar canvas.

The navigation is on the top of the page, above the canvas. The visible elements from left to right are the following:


Worklog cards

If worklogs have been created in the selected period by the current user they are displayed as „Cards” on the canvas.

Each card represents a worklog. The position and the length of the card are defined by the worklog’s start date and duration. If worklogs overlap, they appear stacked on top of each other.

As on the Timeline page, now worklog cards on the Calendar also have a bar with a color automatically derived from the project of the worklog's assigned Issue.

You can easily move your worklogs by dragging the cards to a new time or even across days.

You can modify the duration of your worklogs by resizing the worklog cards.

It is now also possible to adjust the height of a card by dragging its top and set the worklog's start time by resizing it.

Fill the gaps between worklogs easily

By double-clicking on the top or bottom of the worklog cards, they will adjust to the next/previous worklog or the configured start/end of working hours.

Log work on a Day

  1. Click the start time once on a day where you want to log time, or click the start time and drag to the end time to log your work.

  2. Fill in the Log Work dialog, and click “Save” when you're done.

  3. A worklog is created for this Jira issue on this date.

Drag issues from issues side panel

  1. Expand the Issues side panel by clicking the arrow < in the middle of the right border of the calendar.

  2. Search for an issue based on your configures Issue Picker setting.

  3. Drag it to the day and start time where you want to log work.

  4. Fill in the Log Work dialog, and click “Save” when you're done.

  5. A worklog is created for this Jira issue on this date.

Edit Worklog

To edit a worklog:

  1. double click on the worklog card,

  2. or open the detail view of the worklog card and click on the Edit icon to open the Edit worklog form.

View Details

Clicking on a card will open an inline dialog where you can see more details about the worklog, and three action buttons:

Copy or duplicate worklog

  1. You can duplicate a worklog by clicking on the Duplicate icon on the card details view. This will create an identical worklog for the same Issue, day and time.

  2. You can copy a worklog by holding down the Ctrl key and dragging a card to another day or time. This will create an identical worklog for the same Issue on the selected day and time.